Saturday, November 15, 2008

NoVaFL 2 Full Results Packets

Results have been audited and placed in two .pdf files on the website.

To access Speech:

To access Debate and Congress:

With a total of 224 entries and 19 schools, this is by far the largest NoVaFL in the last number of years. Special thanks to:

Host, Julian Dotson
Hospitality and Extemp Chair, Martha Lee
Speech VPs: Kristie Rudolph and Ken Mussen
Debate VP: Todd Koren
Treasurer: Lawrence Brooks
Tab Assistants: Kevin Delilee and Marissa Brodsky
Parliamentarian: Pat Hagy

November Tournaments and Some Such

In answer to all the calls and letters, I am doing much better after being in the hospital for about 10 days and after a supposedly minor surgery. I have come to realize just how many friends I have in the state in the last few weeks and greatly appreciated your concerns and prayers.

Last November Tournaments...
In the next week, we have the rescheduled ShenVaFL 2 and CenVaFL 2 running on Thursday, November 20. Please be careful in your eRegistration and eLegislation that you are choosing the correct leagues.

CenVaFL 2 will run LD, PF, Congress, and Prose/Poetry, Dramatic Interp, and Extemp. Onsite registration at 4:00.

ShenVaFL 2 will run all the normal events and Policy Debate. Policy entrants must be in the building by 4:00 to run their rounds early. Because of the smallness of the field, Policy must hire a judge for every 2 teams. We have already contracted with several hired judges.

VaNFL Dues and Old Bills
Some schools will notice on their invoices a $150 charge for VaNFL Dues for the 2008/09 School Year. Those schools who have paid NFL directly will notice a $51 charge for VaFL dues. Additionally, we are going through outstanding balances from previous tournaments and have added those balances to the current invoices. As of December 1, we will be charging late penalties for outstanding balances.

NFL Points
We really need to get our NFL points up and running on our current students. NFL States is coming in a little over two months and the deadline for points is only in two months. Therefore, it is very important to get as many of your past and current points into the NFLonline system as soon as possible. Each school has a certain entry quota at states, dependent upon the number of current degrees your chapter now has on record. To ensure that you may send as many as you can to NFL States, it is imperative to get your points online as soon as possible. If you have any questions on points, please reply to this email and I can either walk you through the process or direct you to sign up for Project 1200.

NFL States
We will be using to handle the registration and invoices for NFL States for Jan. 23/24 at UVA. We are right now setting up the tournaments and dealing with the complexities of translating what we do in Virginia to the website. As you can imagine, it gets pretty tricky to run such a huge tournament with as many events as we will be offering on to the website. In all likelihood, NFL States will be registered as three different tournaments ... NFL State Speech/Debate, NFL State Congress, and VaNFL State Supplementals. We are also working with several local schools in order to arrange limited housing requests for certain students to ensure that all schools throughout the state can come to the tournament.